Tag Archives: amateur

Happy New Year from the Tudor Studio


Canandaigua, NY.  A hearty hello to all and a wish for your success and happiness in 2014, with the hope that wherever you are today, you’re safe and warm.  Brrrr!!

Not much happening at the Tudor Studio currently. Winter came early and has driven the dancers into the basement. This, of course, has meant the conversion of my man cave into a dance studio.

Actually, my rather dingy basement was devoted primarily to my drumming, and I guess it still is, sans drums, until it’s warm enough to get the dancing back out to the garage, out of which I was driven back in September. I’ve had the stand of tall pines just outside to shelter what couldn’t be kept in the garage any longer.

Thanks to all this shifting about, we’re eying a total move, probably sooner than we realize, just so everyone can have a home. What began as simple ceiling plaster preservation seems to have generated a new 5 year plan, Irish dancing, more or less, leading the way.

If you’ve got a kid with talents and abilities and dedication, there’s nothing to do but support them the best you can. And so my hat’s off to all of those I have met and have come to know who go all out so their kids can be all in on the opportunities that are out there for them.

We’re currently counting the days to the Irish Dancing World Championships in London this April. That should speed the winter days by like nothing else we currently have available. We could be sitting on beaches soaking up the equatorial sun or enjoying the hot tub in some mountain resort where they have a roaring fire in every room. Instead, we’re going Irish dancing, and really, I couldn’t be more excited.

We know this phase will end, and soon. With Winter Olympics just ahead, it brings home with emphasis the amateur’s sojourn and the hopes and dreams that accrue through years of training and competing. It sure shows how if you want to be the best, you’ve really got to want it.,,a lot. And, you have to have a bunch of people who want it with you. None of those good things ever happen by themselves.

We’ll share our ups and downs and parlay the pluses into a life we have chosen along a path we’ll travel together with welcome wonder at where it all could lead.

As the great showman, Jackie Gleason, put it, “And away we go!”

Stay inspired in 20-14!

